All the courses can be taken in Side Mount configuration , we are proud to dive in that way from 2007 and continue to evolve in that technique and we like to push that on our students learning circle.
We highly recommend to get your own set , as we dive and sell X-deep Stealth, we can get one for you ready to go.
To participate in any IANTD program using Side Mount equipment , student will need to add a minimum of 2 Training Days at the course , Cost will be US 180 per day
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Here below a list of the most known Side Mount Programs
IANTD Open Water SM Diver
this course is the basic course to learn side mount configuration we will work on gear , cylinders , double or single) , gas management and safety drills . All you need to know about side mount diving is on this course. We are diving that rig since 2007 , in all environments , Stealth 2 x-deep is the equipment we choose to have but we can teach with other brands.
Prerequisites are 18 years old and Open Water Diver
COST IS US 200 PER DAY , min days 3
IANTD Tek OW Sidemount Diver
first step to learn and apply the advanced techniques used for technical diving using a sidemount rig and adding decompression cylinder. Planning Decompression dives, depending on the previous level to dive safely at depths between 130 to 170 ft. Deep Diver 130ft/39m, Advanced EANx Diver 140ft/42m, Tech Diver 170ft/51m. Minimum level to enter is Advanced Diver with at least 50 logged dives
COST PER DAY IS US 230 min days 4
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IANTD SM Cavern Diver
first step to get in the overhead environment , you will learn basic concept of team procedures , emergency protocols , line laying and stress management. Prerequisites are 18 years old , OW side mount diver , Advanced diver.
COST PER DAY IS US 220 min days 3
IANTD SM Introductory Cave Diver
this is the first level to get in your way for cave diving , limited cave penetration will be learned rule of 1/6 of the gas and emergency procedures. Prerequisites are 18 years old and Cavern diver and OW side mount level with 80 logged dives, at least 10 in cavern.
COST PER DAY IS US 220 and min training days are 3
IANTD Modular Course Cavern + Introductory Cave diver
this level is the best combination to start your cave diving journey , you will start to dive beyond the daylight zone and learn perfect overhead procedures , linear penetration of max 100ft/300m , 1/6 gas , Team work and basic navigation. Prerequisites are 18 years old , OW side mount diver , Advanced diver with 80 logged dives.
COST PER DAY IS US 220 , min training days 5
IANTD Side Mount Cave Diver
this level is designed for divers who want to take at the next level their cave skills , concept of complex navigation ,team diving , negotiating mayor restrictions , limited decompression will be learned during this course. Prerequisites are 18 years old , Introductory Cave level and OW side mount diver.
COST PER DAY IS US 220 min days 4
IANTD Cavern to Cave Diver Level
this modular course is designed to take the student from the basic to the highest level , all concept of overhead procedures will be learned day by day to get the final goal. Prerequisites are 18 years old , Advanced diver with 100 logged dives and OW side mount diver.
COST PER DAY IS US 220 days of training 8/10
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IANTD Tech Cave SM Diver
certified cave divers can start to do decompression dives , this level is designed to introduce basic concept of decompression in overhead environment , use of different gas for bottom time and deco , safety procedures for switching gas , team communication and positioning. Prerequisites are 18 years old and Side Mount Cave dive level with at least 15 logged cave dive.
COST PER DAY IS US 250 ,min training days 3
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IANTD Advanced Cave Side Mount diver
designed for tech cave divers with experience that want to learn concept of advanced cave diving as gas management to deal with major restrictions in side mount / no mount , recalculate thirds during dives and self rescue techniques. Prerequisites are 18 years old , Tech Cave Side Mount diver.
COST PER DAY IS US 250 min days 3
IANTD Side Mount Stage Diver
designed to allow experience diver to extend penetration in the cave, with proper gas management and safety. Prerequisites are 18 years old and Side Mount Cave diver.
COST PER DAY IS US 260 min training days 3
IANTD Side Mount Multistage Diver
designed to get safely on very complex planning for long cave dive , gas management and decompression technique will be learned. Prerequisites are 18 years old and Side Mount Stage Diver.
This level is for extend the penetration of your dives, using a DPV. Will be conducted in a min. of 3 days, lot of practice will be done in confined water and cave. Dive Propulsion Vehicle use and techniques and concern about conservation and ethical responsibilities for extended penetration, touring or explorations.
Min level Technical diver with at least 50 logged cave dive using Sidemount rig
IANTD Survey Diver
designed for advanced cave divers , you will learn basic concept of survey and mapping overhead environment . Prerequisites 18 years old and min Side Mount Cave diver with excellent trim control.
COST PER DAY IS US 250 min training days 3